Shift Swaps vs. Work in Place Requests – What’s the difference? One of the advantages of using an online employee scheduling system like EmLogis is that it allows employees to not only see with their schedule, but also interact with their schedule, supervisors/schedulers and also other employees. One of the most popular interactions we have is the Shift Swap. Just what is a shift swap? An employee can initiate a shift swap if they are scheduled to work a shift that they, for whatever reason, can no longer work. Instead of calling in sick and leaving the burden of filling that shift with a supervisor, they can simply click on the shift and select Shift Swap. Behind the scenes, EmLogis goes through all of the rules that you have established for your schedule (including overtime rules, minimum and maximum hours per day and week, skill sets, teams, locations and so on) and presents to the employee a list of shifts that they qualify for within the same schedule week and that are currently being worked by another employee who also qualifies for the shift the first employee can no longer work. The employee who is wanting to swap their shift can then click on one or more shifts that they would be willing to take instead. Once they submit the request, a notice is sent to all of those employees that the first employee would like to swap shifts with them. The first employee that responds then moves to the […]
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